Saturday, February 5, 2011

He's Three!

Our Nicholas is turning 3 this week!  I can't believe my baby is a little boy now.  And these pictures definitely prove it...

Remembering the day of his birth almost three years ago brings alot of emotions.  That day was one of the best and worst days of my life.  We had a beautiful baby boy, but one that was diagnosed with a scary diagnosis - - one that was foreign to our family.   Nicholas came four weeks early after an emergency c-section.  The Tuesday before he was born, I noticed that he was not moving very much in my belly.  I put it off for a few days thinking "I'm in my 8th month, I'm big and there is just not alot of room."  But in my gut, I felt something was wrong.  I saw the doctor that Friday and he sent me to the hospital to be hooked up for monitoring.  A few hours later I was having the c-section and delivering my baby boy four weeks early.  I didn't realize how lucky we were that I picked up on the failure to move in the belly until I told the story to the doctor who was doing a recent sonogram of the baby in my belly now.   She told me it was good I followed my instinct and detected the non-movement because many children with down syndrome are born stillborn.  So, this week I hold my Nicholas (still baby in my eyes) a little closer knowing that I am lucky to have him here with us.

Life with better than I ever could have imagined because of Nicholas.  He brings to our family...Humor:  I couldn't imagine our house without his dance moves, spontaneous sommersaults, and mischievous behavior (such as taking his boots and socks off in the car on on 8 degree day, climbing on the kitchen table and dancing, deciding to jump the stairs rather than walk).  Love:....he kisses his teachers as he leaves school and he hugs his brother (even when he is playing on his smart cycle or otherwise would rather not be bothered).  Patience:  It may take him a longer time to do some things, but he tries his darndest to do it.  He teaches all of us to be patient and pay attention to eachother because sometimes things can't be just said so easily. 

This week we celebrate our Nicholas and count our blessings for having him in our life.