I lately have been terrible about taking pictures of the boys. So this week we met with Samara, an amazing family photographer and I got some great pictures of the boys. This one I am in love with.
It absolutely reflects their love for one another. Nathan just loves Nicholas...he watches over him, in a very kind and loving way. He treats him like his friend, but is careful with him like a big brother. Nicholas just adores Nathan (as I write, they are on the floor giggling to eachother). He wants to do everything that Nathan can do and feels secure around him. So much so, he can be fearless attempting to do Nathan tricks.
And they both have the most amazing blue eyes and long lashes...oh, I love these boys so much!
Okay, that is PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO jealous! There is no WAY Benjamin would pose for a picture period, much less that close to Andrew. And Andrew would not be that sweet toward Benjmamin either. Amazing!!! Your boys are SO cute.