But, it is stressful because i realize that we can't just do whatever we want, whenever we want to...we have eight therapy sessions (PT, OT, Spec Ed, Speech - - all two times a week). So, we have to do our best to enjoy summer around therapy sessions. Secretly I just want to call all of them and cancel for the entire summer. No therapy until September, we are just having fun this summer!!! But, I don't have the guts to actually do it....and I don't want to "risk" what might happen if Nicholas doesn't have his weekly therapys. So, we will make the best of our summer days (around therapy, of course).
We had a scare on Saturday. I mean BIG scare. We got together with our friends - -friends that we met after Nicholas was born and ones that have little ones that are close to Nicholas' age that have DS. It was such a good time. Until, Nicholas went missing. The house we were at had a gate and all of the kids were playing...after I returned from the bathroom, I asked my hubby where Nicholas was and he didn't know...and then I saw the gate was open. I ran outside, and I didn't know what to do..I felt helpless...do I scream? call 911? run? where?
I looked down the street and saw a woman waving to me holding Nicholas' hand. I ran to her and as soon as I grabbed him, I began bawling, just flowing with the tears. It was the scariest few moments of my life.
But, I knew it was coming. Nicholas is a "runner"...he is very mischevious and loves to wander and explore (preferably on his own). Nothing holds his attention very long, so the minute he can "escape", he does.
The good that came out of this scare is we are now having a fence put up in our back yard. Because although he escaped from an opened fence gate, we were able to enjoy most of the night with him protected by fence. We just have to lock our fences religiously. And with a pond next to our house it is a must, we can't wait any longer for it.
I can't wait for summer fun in our to be safe-fenced in backyard. It will be so GOOD!!
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