This morning, Paul took Nicholas to the barber. Nicholas is not a fan of the barber, and from what Paul tells me, he has to do everything in his power to hold him down to allow a cut. For the most part, the cut turns out really cute - short, but super cute and boyish. Today, was not such a good day at the barber.
Apparently, there was a "miscommunication" between Paul and the barber. According to Paul, it went something like this:
Paul: "Time to get out your clippers?"
Barber: "Really?"
Paul: "Yep"
Paul says he was referring to the clippers because last time Nicholas was so squirmy that they had to clip the back rather than use scissors. He didn't tell the barber that was what he was referring to. So, the barber used the clippers and COMPLETELY clipped the head. Paul said by the time he realized the miscommunication a big chunk was gone and that Nicholas would have had a mohawk. I wouldn't have taken the mohawk to a completely clipped head!!!
Anyway, here is Nicholas, bald but still beautiful.....
Oh my word, I would have died! Yup, still a cutie and cool for summer!