We celebrated Mother's Day twice this year, once at Nathan's preschool and then at a Sunday brunch at our house. Nathan's preschool is truly a magical place. When I walked in for the Mother's Day party I was given a beautiful hat made by Nathan, and a spot at a nicely decorated table (with chairs meant for little boys and girls). Then, I waited eagerly for the door to open and the show to begin...

And finally Nathan came and announced his name and jumped off the stairs onto the stage.

Nathan was my little flower and sang lovely songs to me. Of course, all of us moms in the room had eyes full of tears!
Then we shared a snack...

...and I was given a precious gift. Nathan's was quite unique as his had all blue buttons (his favorite color) and were lined up precisely (all the other kids had buttons everywhere), which shows his personality. I just love it.

Before brunch on Sunday, I attempted to take pictures of the boys to give as a present for the Nanas. I have a new camera, so of course, I could do it by myself. Ha, ha...now I know why professional photographers are needed...the boys wanted nothing to do with posing for a photo. And Nathan wanted to "choke" Nicholas every time I had them get together. So here is what I came out with and I decided I'm just going to have to keep trying...

And finally, the best mother's day gift I received a new toy for the boys. Yes, another ride on toy. But this one has seat belts, which allows the boys to drive together around the neighborhood. And the joy they have on it is priceless!! (Plus, Nathan earned part of the cost while modeling at fisher price...the toy is supposed to come out in August with him on the box!)

Oh, and it snowed on Mother's Day...SNOW! But we had so much fun and I'm so blessed to be a mom to these wonderful little boys!!