It is always easier to take a picture of a baby. I have so many great shots of Nicholas. Nathan, on the other hand, never stands still and when he does, he gives me a closed eye grin. I'll get a good shot of him one of these days.
Oh, this picture makes me laugh! Daddy was trying so hard to get Nicholas to nap this afternoon and just when I thought he failed, I went downstairs and found them both snoring away.
The boys are playing together so nicely right now with trains, I have a moment to post a photo forwarded from a friend. This is a picture from Mommy and Me class at Nicholas' school. It was Miss Rosalie's last day and everyone was very sad to say goodbye. Nicholas is the youngest in the it me or does he look like the biggest one? He has made such good friends in that class. It will be so much fun watching all of them grow up.
My back went out on Friday night, so I have pretty much been on the floor resting and icing this weekend. We had to cancel out on a playdate with Christian and William on Saturday. We were so looking forward to seeing them too! Today, I was able to hobble over to Papa Stromecki's birthday party. Nathan and cousin Ben had tons of fun helping Papa blow out his birthday candles. Nicholas just loves his walker...but watch out, if your in his way, he is not afraid to knock you out!! Let's hope the chiropractor can put me back together again tomorrow!
We went to the local Barnes & Noble this morning for storytime. Nicholas was sleeping at first, and when he woke up, everyone said how cute the "little girl" was...Little Girl? So, maybe I need to cut his hair. I really hate to cut those curls off. I need some honest opinions of whether I should cut his hair, help! They had a train table there so Nathan could care less about storytime, of course.
I have to say an indoor bouncehouse is the best for a snowy day in Buffalo! Nicholas loves "crawling" around in it! I think he might actually learn to crawl in there! The smile on his face is priceless. Nathan is so patient when Nicholas is inside, but once he is out, watch out, the big bouncing begins!
I should be doing work right now but since my deadline for work is not till next week, I have no motivation. The boys are at the sitter's house and I miss them tremendously so I am posting some photos of them from yesterday. We had a day full of playing yesterday. At one point, we were all just playing on the ground and I actually got another of photo with them together. Maybe brothers don't really fight as much as they say...yeah right :)
I finally was able to take a better pictures of the boys together today (see the one on the side). Poor Nicholas got his hair trimmed by me this morning and he looks like a girl again. I really should leave it to the professionals. Nathan went sledding with Daddy and Papa, and apparently went down the super big hill. Probably a good thing I wasn't there ")
Today the boys had to take a trip to the doctors for their stuffy noses!! It was pretty hysterical having them in the waiting room with me. Nicholas tore up the paper on the examining table and Nathan decided to "clean it up" by it pulling off the table. Once he realized it was like toilet paper, he went to town and eventually the room was full of the paper. Nathan then decided to take the kleenex one by one out of the box and throw them in the garbage. He also decided to sing very loudly "Jingle Bells" while the doctor was trying to listen to Nicholas' chest. She finally looked at me and said "Moms going to need happy hour after this!" Good news, only colds and nothing to worry over!
We started the New Year like rock stars at Cousin Peyton's house. Nathan rocked the guitar playing "Jingle Bells", while Peyton scored over 1 million rocking out on Miley's song (easily beating Aunt Kristie). Nicholas just listened patiently to our off-key singing. I am sure the tune "Best of Both Worlds" will be in my head for quite some time.